5 strategies to improve security in eCommerce purchases

There is no doubt that one of the main factors that an online store or business must contribute is security in its commercial operations. Without this factor very few things can be achieved through this professional activity. On the contrary, it is the envelope which can be prop up the business or even with a differentiating element compared to competing companies.

In this general context, you will have no choice but to invest time and money in improving the security of your online store. So that you can carry out this strategy from now on, we are going to offer you a series of very useful tips whose main objective will be to improve the security of your eCommerce.

On the one hand, it involves improve infrastructure that you already have, but on the other to import other new systems that give greater confidence to your customers or users. From this point of view, it is highly recommended that you choose, above all, to define your priorities when outlining the commerce or digital store. Because it will be the factor that supports these security measures that we are going to expose you to.

Security in purchases: guarantee certificates

Providing SSL certificates will be a more than necessary measure for you to carry out this urgent task from now on. You should not forget that one of the most effective ways to guarantee the security of your online store is to use SSL certificates. This certificate allows you to navigate with the https protocol, which is the equivalent of greater security and that, above all, will give you more confidence with clients or users.

Another resource that you should import in your electronic commerce is to offer users safer payment systems. In this sense, they must generate great confidence in the expectations of these people. So that they have the complete assurance that they will be able to formalize their purchases with total guarantees of success in their monetary transactions.

Secure payment methods

It is undoubtedly another of the elements that an online store or commerce must provide at this time. In this case, without forgetting that the most common form of payment is with credit or debit card. To implement payments with the cards you can use a payment gateway, but above all you must guarantee that it is the safest option of all. With the primary goal of ensuring that there will be no fraud or other lucrative activities with these means in digital payment.

On the other hand, you can also contribute what is called electronic payment. But in this case, under maximum security in operations. Especially taking into account the suspicion that a good part of the clients or users have to the use of this tool in the digital payment. And therefore, the guarantees must be greater and with more means at your fingertips. So that in this way, they are available for their implementation in electronic commerce, whatever their nature and origin.

No less important is the adoption of other payment systems known as alternative and that can be a solution to your needs regarding this factor that stores or online businesses have. From this point of view, it seems that it is very relevant to suggest the fact that it is very important suggest multiple payment methods for each customer. So that in this way, they are in a position to detect their preferred payment method and can continue making their purchases online without any kind of limitations regarding the means of payment that they can use in their commercial operations.

Without storing sensitive data

It is another obligation on the part of online stores and businesses so that in this way there is more confidence in this kind of monetary operations. Through the deletion of sensitive data like credit card numbers, the expiration date, or even the CVV code.

You can only save data that is necessary for returns and refunds. It is bad practice to store all sensitive data because it gives the opportunity for hackers to steal information and use it for profit. It is so important to comply with these requirements because the fact that you can continue to have the trust of your customers and users depends on them. Because without them there is no doubt that you will have a less positive record in the commercialization of your products or services.

Choose to use 3 D Secure

Surely you may wonder what this special system in business security is and what does it consist of. Well, it is essentially a protocol that allows you to add a verification step when shopping online. Where you will have to see that it is also a system that will help you from now on to avoid fraudulent payments with a credit card without the actual presence of the card.

It is very easy to use because it is generally applied with the most common credit and debit cards in this type of monetary operations. In addition, it only requires the introduction of a PIN so that the movements are completely safe throughout the process and without adding any side effect to this kind of online movements to pay for purchases in your store or online store.

Comply with the highest safety standards

And finally, we cannot forget to be very strict with the maximum security requirements in these processes and that are included in the Data Security Standard. For greater protection in the most relevant means of payment, especially those related to credit or debit cards and that all online stores must comply with at this time. You will give customers even greater confidence so that they can carry out their purchases with full guarantees and without any financial cost. Being a process that is regulated from the outside.

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